Fallbrook Marching Warriors
and Color Guard
Fallbrook Marching Warriors has developed into a well respected Marching Band among critics and fans alike. With a tradition of excellence, the band program maintains a high profile among musicians and performers. Welcome to the official Fallbrook Marching Warriors site – let the tradition continue.
Our Marching Warriors have established themselves as an integral part of the pride and spirit of Fallbrook High and our community. This dynamic group of young musicians performs at all home football games providing the excitement and pageantry that is a vital part of the high school Friday night experience. The band works with the cheerleaders, dance team and football team in providing an exciting, charged atmosphere for the entire school community. The Marching Band also competes in field show competitions and parades during the fall season, representing Fallbrook High School across Southern California.
This is a performance ensemble emphasizing the fundamentals of body and equipment movement through choreographed routines and drill design. The Color Guard functions as an auxiliary unit to the marching band in Fall. Performances include marching band activities and a Winter Guard competitions (second semester).
Membership in the Fallbrook High Marching Band is open to any student enrolled in a band class. In addition, the pageantry of the band is enhanced with the help of an auxiliary unit, or Color Guard, which is open to any student at Fallbrook High.
Join us at a home football game and any of our upcoming competitions to see our amazing Marching Band and Color Guard perform.